Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Follow through phase

Follow-Through Phase 
In the follow through phase I still need to contract certain segments to make sure my shot is effective and I need to contract my smaller muscles in my arm for the shot to go well. In my picture i can see i have applied sequencing because my smaller muscles in my arms are contracting last to go for the shot.  

While in the follow through phase the joints that are being used are my shoulder and my elbows.
While moving from the execution phase to the follow through phase both my Shoulder and Elbow joints are working. The Shoulder joint is ball and socket joint. The movement in this phase is shoulder extension and the antagonist muscle relaxing to make this movement is pectoralis major and the agonist muscle contracting in this movement is my latissimus dorsi. The Elbow joint is hinge joint.  The elbow is also continuing to extend as the agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is my tricep and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is bicep. The similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal is the way our elbows are both extending to go for the shot.

Newton's Laws
In the follow through phase I am using Newton's Third law. Newton's Third law states whenever a force is applied there is an equal and opposite reaction. I am applying newtons third law because i create a force from the ground in order to push off and the ground will exert an opposite force for me , pushing me into the air as i go for my shot.

Balance and Stability
In the follow through phase balance and stability is still important to producing a well executed shot. To be balanced in this phase I need to make sure two feet are planted to the ground. It is important to have balance and stability in this phase because without it i could become unstable and miss the shot. I also know i am balanced because before going for my shot, my line of gravity fell within my base of support. The similarities I can see in the ideal athlete and myself is that we are both stable because both our footing were in contact with the ground. 

Kick ball-Log6

Turbo Touch

On Tuesday 14th of August, last period we played a game of Turbo touch.
The two main factors that influenced on my participation were aesthetic appeal
and sense of achievement.

Aesthetic appeal influenced on my participation because it gave me a chance to feel
good when scoring a try with the help of my team mates. Everyone contributed fairly
to the team effort and that also made me feel some great.

Sense achievement also influenced on my participation because i was completely
engaged in the activity and at the end of the lesson, i was able to say that i
participated through the full lesson. It gave me a proud feeling also that i was graded with
an excellence mark.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Modified Touch-Log5

Modified Touch 2

On 07/08/18 we played another game of Modified Touch. The two main factors
that influenced my participation were challenge and fun and enjoyment.

Challenge influenced on my participation because i wanted to challenge
myself in getting another excellence for my grade. I did this by bringing full
correct gear and encouraging my teammates not to give up. Challenge also
had an influence on my team members because I got put on a team with
students that have a range of different skills , this challenged me because
we had to work out how to use all our abilities together as a team , whilst
trying to give everyone in the team a fair chance of being apart of the team effort.

Fun and enjoyment was a huge influence on my participation because my friends
are so competitive yet still humble about their winnings, which gave us the
opportunities to take the game seriously but also have a laugh or two . Our practical
lessons somehow always end up being so much fun when everyone participates
in the activity chosen for the class. The more organised we were the more time we
got of actually playing. My class is now realizing that self management is one of
the many key aspects to having a successful practical lesson, but most importantly

king dodge ball- log4

King DodgeBall

On Friday , our p.e class played Dodgeball in the new gym , the two main
factors that influenced my participation were pushing myself to physical
limits and also sense of achievement.  

Pushing myself to my physical limits influenced my participation
because even though i felt tired during the game i continued playing
with my team. I like to push myself to do better in every practical we have.

Sense of achievement influenced heavily on my participation because i already
knew i was achieving one of my goals that i set, which was bring my p.e gear every
practical. Even if we won a couple of the game matches between the other teams ,
winning was just a bonus for me and my team. Even participating in the game
gave me a real sense of achievement.

Modified Touch-Log3

Modified Touch
Yesterday which was 31/07/18 our class played a game of Modified Touch
and the two factors that influenced my participation was wellbeing & also
fun and enjoyment.

Well being influenced my participation because I mentally prepared
myself to improve on my fitness levels by taking part in the activity all the way
through without any distractions stopping me from participating.

Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation positively because every
single one of the students in my class participated which made everyone
want to join in. It makes the game more interesting when it feels like we’re
competing for something. Fun and enjoyment also influenced my participation
because i was able to play alongside my friends and even if we were to do a wrong
in the game our friends would still encourage us to do better.


Last term during our game of KioRahi the two factors that influenced
my participation were challenges and sense of achievement.

Challenges influenced my participation effectively because i did not know
how to play KioRahi at first, but after Mr England explained the rules thoroughly
i slowly got to understand the game. Whilst playing this particular game i gained
new knowledge and skills, my team mates even helped me out with things i was unsure

Sense of achievement influenced my participation because i was able to set a goal
for myself which was playing the game until the very end. I felt like i completed a
full session of Kiorahi which was a good feeling.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Log1: Island Ball

Island Ball
On Tuesday during our game of Island ball the two factors that influenced my participation
were well-being and fun/enjoyment.

Well-being influenced my participation because i know that it’ll benefit my physical
well-being for the better like keeping me healthy and fit whilst thinking about that,
it help me continue participating in the game with my peers.

Fun and enjoyment influenced my participation because it allowed me to bond
more with the students in my class that i don’t really talk to. I’d ask to be put in a team
where i think they lack encouragement so that maybe i’d be able to support them
through the game using my communication skills.

Friday, 27 July 2018

Execution Phase

In the execution phase I stil need to contract as many segments as possible to generate maximum force. As well as using my lower body segments, I also need to contract my upper body muscles in my Basketball Shot. In order to generate maximum force I need to follow a sequence also still using as many segments as possible to create maximum force. I can see that I am following the principle of sequencing because i am starting my force off from my lower body muscles all the way upwards through to muscle upper body muscles. Also, I need to make sure the timing is correct in my sequence. This means that I need to make sure i am executing my body segments in the correct way.

While moving from the preparation phase to the execution phase these joint movements are changing. The Knee joint is a hinge joint. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is quadriceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my hamstring. The Hip joint is ball and socket joint. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is gluteus maximums and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is quadriceps. The Elbow joint is hinge joint.The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is biceps. The differences/similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal athletes legs and his lower body muscles are bent a bit more than mine. A similarity that i notice between me and the athletes body is I released the ball by my shoulder and he made his shot over his head.

In the execution phase I am using Newton's 2nd law. Newton's second law states when a force is applied to an object, it will move in the direction of the force being applied . To create greater force i flexed my knees, then my legs muscles are then bent allowing my calves to perform flexion and my quadriceps to extend. So the more i flexed my knees whilst using my hips it created a greater force allowing me to have a stronger shot that goes further.

In the execution phase balance and stability is important to produce a well coordinated shot. To be balanced my center of gravity has to be within the inside of my body. Center of gravity is defined as the point at which all points are equally balanced. Also I know I am balanced because i have to feet still in touch with ground. The similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal is both of our legs are planted to the ground before going for the shoot. 

Preparation Phase

To generate maximum force I need to contract as many segments as possible. I know I am contracting segments in my preparation phase because my lower body muscles are working. Also I know I am following the principle of sequencing because when i bent my knees i'm contracting my bigger muscles first then up to my smaller muscles like my arms to shoot the basketball.

In the preparation phase I am contracting my lower body muscles. This means that I am using my Hips, Knees and Ankle joints in this phase. The agonist muscle contracting to make my hip flex is the quadricep and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is the gluteus maximus. My ankles are in the position of dorsiflexion, the agonist muscle is my tibialis anterior and the antagonist muscle is my gastrocnemius, which is helping me to make a coordinated shot. In the preparation phase the similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal athlete is how we are both solidly stable.

In the preparation phase I am using Newton's Laws. The Newton's law that I am using in this phase is his 1st Law. Newton's 1st Law states a body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an unbalanced force acts upon it. To overcome greater inertia i am applying more force to movements and i am doing that by contracting my leg muscles and i get into a position that allows me to do so. My knees and lower body muscles are helping me to create that force. When i applied force i also noticed that as i applied that force it was going in a certain direction.

In the preparation phase balance and stability is important when performing a sporting movement. Line of gravity is defined as the line that passes through the center of gravity to the ground. Base of support is defined as the area that is in contact with the ground. The larger the contact with the ground, the greater the stability. My line gravity is located from my my belly button and going downwards through to the ground, therefore i am stable. So also i can see that i have a solid base of support because i am planted with two feet on the ground. The differences/similarities I can see in my balance and stability compared to the ideal are very similar. The only difference i notice is my knees being more bent then the ideal athlete.

Thursday, 3 May 2018


On Wednesday the 4th of April, i didn’t really show an
interpersonal skill because i sat out multiple times and didn’t
participate properly. I didn’t play to the best of my ability which
was a disappointment.

The interpersonal skill i didn’t show was encouraging and
supporting within my team because i did not support my class
by not bringing my p.e. Instead of encouraging and supporting
i was on the side not participating and playing on my phone.
My phone is one of my biggest distractions to be honest and
i need avoid playing on it.

It had a negative impact on me because I was doing so well
in the past few practicals, but today i just wasn’t keen to jam.
It affected me because i was behind in one practical. It also
affected my classmates because they would’ve been down a player
in a team or even feel the need that they wouldn’t have to
participate as well, which isn’t a good influence on my class.

I ultimately think that what I put into these practicals
is what I’ll get out of it.

Thursday, 12 April 2018


On Tuesday me and my group got to have a pick on what game to play for our p.e
lesson, although we had a reliever we still chose to continue with it.
In my group i worked with Setaita and Myra. The interpersonal skills i think
i showed during that lesson was inclusiveness.

I think that me and my group showed the interpersonal skill inclusiveness by
allowing our class to participate in the game we choose for them to play.
Everybody looked as though they had fun and that was a positive thing for my
group and it gave me a chance to reflect on that in my log. Whilst different team
members approached the ball, I yelled out the number of people that had to run
and that indicates how many people need to run in and participate. I made sure that
everyone in the class had a game so they felt included.

The skill i showed while playing the game multi-sports had a positive
impact on me and my team because everyone participated. By including everyone
it most likely made them feel comforted as well as them being able to enjoy the game.

Log4-Doctor Dodge

Last Friday we had our first group get up and explain their sport that they wanted
to teach us. The game was called Doctor dodge. Cj and Niko explained their game
to the class and we split into two teams. The skill that i showed was resolving conflict.

I know that i showed this skill because during the game there were a bit of issues
when we first started but we managed to pull through and solve the tiny issues we
were having . I encouraged everyone in my team by saying, “make sure theres a
person on the other side of wherever your aiming to throw the ball at, so that when
you are to throw the ball at them and if they doge it , the other person on your team is
able to catch the ball on the other side. We solved this problem by talking amongst
our team and telling each other when to run and ways on how you can avoid getting
hit by the ball.

The skill resolving conflict had a positive impact on me and my team because it
gave a chance to look at our mistakes and fix them which means we were getting along
with each other. Being an to solve the conflict and problems showed our teacher that we
are able to work together.


Last Thursday me and the class played a competitive game of kickball.
During this game i ultimately know that i showed the interpersonal skill supporting
and encouraging others.

I know that i demonstrated this skill in the game because of the way myself and
the team played and communicated together. It was a successful game because to me
i saw that everybody was fully engaged into the game and they all were having fun.
Something i said to my team was, “stay ready, for the bowler and watch the ball”
because the bowler on the other team could bowl at anytime.

This had a good impact on my team because everybody enjoyed the lesson in our
level one p.e class, meaning that if there are more lessons like that our classes will be fun.
Although our class struggled a bit we still encouraged each other to  carry on playing and
finish the session on a positive high.


Last Friday while participating in the game Basketball i showed the interpersonal skill
‘effective communication’.

I know that i showed this skill by talking with the team and discussing the things we
needed to slightly improve on. Getting everyone fully involved and engaged in the game
was another thing I tried my best to do, and telling our teammates to share the ball around.
Showing effective communication on Friday was quite easy for me because all i needed to
do was yell for my teammates to hear me and throw the ball my way.
I knew that we were using effective communication because everybody was responding
and fixing their tiny mistakes.

This has a positive impact on my team because everybody knew what they were doing
whilst playing the game. It also had a good impact on me because i got to communicate
with my team in different ways and we were able to get the ball to the other hoop and
shoot it in the hoop. Next time i will try to attempt showing effective communication by
helping my teammates out in anything that they are stuck on and encourage them.
Even if they aren’t stuck on anything and understand the aspects of the game i’ll still
encourage them to have fun and go hard throughout the whole game.

Log 1- Fast Ball

Last Friday during our practical lesson of Fast Ball i know that i demonstrated the interpersonal skill

I showed this skill by supporting others in my team and encouraging them to speak up.
For example, yelling out to my teammates and constantly helping them of things they weren’t
aware of like where to run and pass the ball.

This had a positive impact on my team because everybody was engaged in the game as well
as knowing the rules. Cooperation helped us to get through the game because each member in the
team knew what to do. Team effort effort helped us also.
The outcome of me cooperating with the team, had a positive impact on me because i got to
communicate with my team members as well as getting to know their names properly.