On Tuesday me and my group got to have a pick on what game to play for our p.e
lesson, although we had a reliever we still chose to continue with it.
In my group i worked with Setaita and Myra. The interpersonal skills i think
i showed during that lesson was inclusiveness.
I think that me and my group showed the interpersonal skill inclusiveness by
allowing our class to participate in the game we choose for them to play.
Everybody looked as though they had fun and that was a positive thing for my
group and it gave me a chance to reflect on that in my log. Whilst different team
members approached the ball, I yelled out the number of people that had to run
and that indicates how many people need to run in and participate. I made sure that
everyone in the class had a game so they felt included.
The skill i showed while playing the game multi-sports had a positive
impact on me and my team because everyone participated. By including everyone
it most likely made them feel comforted as well as them being able to enjoy the game.